Every council in England must have an up-to-date Local Plan in place which details what developments can happen and where they can happen. It must be reviewed every five years. Shropshire’s plan is currently being reviewed and people are being asked for their views. Local Plans are very important when deciding planning
The Albrighton Village Action Group supports the action plan in its current form. It provides a sustainable plan for future housing and employment development and has received the support of our Parish Council and the majority of local residents
The Shropshire Local Plan is really important as it defines the rules by which developers SHOULD play by. Any developments that are put forward that are outside of the Local Plan should be rejected by the Planning Officer; unless there are ‘very special circumstances’ with their proposals
Currently the Shropshire Local Plan is a draft and is being reviewed by the Government Planning Inspectorate to check it is sufficient and ‘sound’. Eddie West Leads this for Shropshire Council
There are letters and challenges going back and forth between Shropshire Council, the Planning Inspectorate and Developers who don’t like what’s in the plan: See links below for all the key documents:
Examination calendar | Shropshire Council Examination stage documents | Shropshire Council
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