The site proposed by Boningale Homes has undergone longstanding review as part of the Shropshire Local Plan; most recently in the April 2024 Additional Sustainability Appraisal Report: Appendix 3 - Updated Stage 3 Site Assessment: Albrighton Key Centre.
It is located at Cross Road, Patshull Road, Holyhead Road and Newhouse Lane and is referred to as P36a and P36b in the April 2024 Additional Sustainability Appraisal Report.
Shropshire Council’s Site Assessments conclude that neither site has potential for Windfall or for Allocation and is recommended to ‘Retain as Green Belt’. The reasoning provided for each site is extensive and includes impact on settings of Grade II listed building and Conservation Area, substantial reduction in spatial separation between settlements, being poorly related to the built form of the settlements, and there being other more appropriate sites upon which to accommodate needs arising in the Black Country.
It is clear that Boningale Homes proposals for Albrighton South would be a huge overdevelopment of the village and are outside of the Local Plan. We trust that any pre-application advice provided by Shropshire Council Planning to the developer would have made this very clear.
The fight to save our Green Belt continues